嵐の塔・黒鷲の学級 Tower in a Storm (Black Eagles)
(王国領・コナン塔の近く 昼)
Near Conand Tower (Kingdom Territory) | Daytime
エーデルガルト: 生憎の雨……先程の村の者たちは、嵐が来ると言っていたけれど……
Edelgard: This weather is unfortunate. Those villagers were right when they said a storm was brewing. But they were more afraid of an attack than they were of the storm. Let's end this quickly.
ヒューベルト: コナン塔……遠くに見えるあの塔が、彼奴らの根城ですな。
Hubert: The thieves have taken Conand Tower as their base... There it is in the distance.
エーデルガルト: あのような拠点を手中に収めるなんて、マイクランもただの野盗ではないわね。
Edelgard: Miklan must be more skilled than your average thief to have overtaken a place like that.
ギルベルト: 数百年前、この近辺は大規模な戦場でした。北方の民の侵攻が最も盛んだった時代です。
Gilbert: This area was the site of a massive battle several hundred years ago. That's when invasions from the north were at their peak. Back then, this tower was built for both surveillance and defense. It will be difficult to seize it.
エーデルガルト: 流石はギルベルト殿、詳しいのですね。確か、貴方は王国の出身だとか……。
Edelgard: You know your history, Gilbert. If I recall correctly, you're from the Kingdom aren't you?
ギルベルト: ……すでに故国を捨てた身ではありますが。もし何か質問があれば、答えましょう。
Gilbert: I left my home long ago. If you have any questions about the mission, I'd be happy to answer them.
Choice 1: ゴーティエ家について What do you know about House Gautier?
Choice 2: 賊の首領について What do you know about the leader of the thieves?
ギルベルト: ……ゴーティエ家は、古くから紋章の有無を特に重んじてきた家。
Gilbert: House Gautier has always placed great importance on whether or not someone bears a Crest. Margrave Gautier has two sons. A Crest never manifested for his eldest. It's not hard to imagine why he left and wound up in this sort of life.
エーデルガルト: ……紋章に人生を決められるほど、虚しいことはない。
Edelgard: There's no reason that Crests should have the power to dictate someone's destiny.
Don't you agree, Gilbert? He was just another victim of cruel fate.
Forsaken by the goddess, who now demands his execution.